Tuesday, November 1, 2011

carpenter street is love

Spent a day down old kuching town.
A day sunny with joy.
A day of kolo mee n kopi o.
Carpenter Street.
Full with sense of wear n tear
Sense of Aging.
Sense of new within the old.
Or maybe old within the new too.
Love my Kuching town.
A beautiful town.
Like no other

Sunday, October 16, 2011

The new toy!!

Let the picture speak for itself!!

im just happy..vry vry happy..maybe i bought lots of stuff and pampered myself wif good food this few days.haha...even my design ideas come straight knocking at my door..woots~~ full power for 2nd interim nex tues..wish me luck!! >.'

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

italk ipad n iphone then ipay..LOL

guess wad?? im getting myself an ipad 2 soon!! woohoo!! wanna have one since it first released so that i can surf the net whenever i go.play games when someone ignore me so that i can ignore him too *evil smile* hahaha.with ipad i can update my status frequently n upload photos instantly.haha

im not reli into iphone yet compared to ipad which have larger screen but the thing is there is no retina display yet for ipad. mayb ipad 3 will have. but i cant wait anymore since ipad 3 will be launch next year's january. n it will take a couple of months 2 be on sell in malaysia. by then it will be another long queue on the day of sale. i dont want to be one of them. haha..

well back to the iphone. yesterday was the launch of iphone 4S which a lot of ppl expected it to be iphone 5. but then it turns out to be iphone 4S n still remaining the same appearance as iphone 4S just that they added a few new features(like usual). One thing i like about iphone 4S is the new SIRI feature where u can interact with your iphone by just asking them what to do with your own voice.Voice? yes! i mean voice. u can just speak out what u want to your iphone n it will also reply u. cool huh? but i hope the phone doesn't misunderstand u if your english is not that good. can the phone understand singlish or manglish?? haha..

The new SIRI feature(Source:apple.com)

The other new features includes the dual-core A5 chip processor used in ipad which is faster. and the new 8mp camera. this is interesting as the previous iphones do not have such good camera. since im using an 8mp phone at the moment. i think its good enough for me.

this r basically my review after the release of iphone4S. not much new features thou except for the SIRI feature which caught my attention. gonna chao for design studio again. c u on the nex post!! bye~~

Tuesday, September 27, 2011


我在你心里是什么地位呢? 我说要回,你只冷冷的说好啊,叫我快订飞机票回去。可是自己却丝毫没有想回去的念头,好像要快点把我送走。可是当你的朋友说要回,你就马上打给妈妈,立刻也一起订飞机票回去,也没告诉我。而且我的生日就在那个星期。很明显你是在逃避那一天的到来。我在你心中的地位简直是零!

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

go back or not??

im still wondering to go back this holiday or not..life here is not pleasing i must say...everyday is so lifeless..i cant stand anymore im gonna burst!!! oh well..stil surviving..trying to..haha...airasia is having this crazy 0 fare sale again which makes it jam like wad..ppl all rebut 2 buy 0 fare ticket..every1 is so rich 2 travel i see..life's not so bad after all eh...even i want 2 check fare b4 jan 2012 also knot...

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

london through my eyes

i <3 this shot!!
cant believe i was there

Friday, August 12, 2011


不知道,为什么不管他说什么,做什么我都觉得很反感。不知道,真的不知道。根本不能再跟他好好相处。他做的,说的,不管是好是坏,我都觉得很反感,我都觉得是错的。没有一样东西在他身上是好的。我总觉得他这个人从头到脚都是错的。真的找不回从前的那个感觉了。就算我一直告诉自己我太霸道了。为什么会这样?可能是学到他也说不定。可能是他的冷淡,他的什么也没反应的态度让我觉得这个人很反感。可能我真的不再爱他了。有些东西没有就是没有了。不管你怎样试着去救,试着去改变也没用,因为这次真的是什么也没有了。感觉?就如你说的“感觉没什么的啦!感觉跟本不重要” 是的现在就真的是没感觉了。 跟他一起只有依赖,而不是爱情了。也比较像朋友。等这个学期后再来打算吧。没办法,谁叫自己没有朋友。没朋友的人都是要比较辛苦的。没关系我忍,忍到毕业为止。 毕业后就可以做我自己,去另一个地方,没有他,我一样可以活得更好更开心的。加油!

Thursday, August 11, 2011


不知道,为什么最近一直这样。累了?倦了?还是不爱了?我不知道。没空?没时间?还是心已不在了?我也不知道。为什么最近的我们这么固执?已经不像从前那样让对方,疼对方。我们真的不爱了吗?很多时候我们都不想听对方的话,一直坚持自己的想法,不再理会对方的感受。我也累了常常要想到对方的感受,累了不让对方生气,累了很多很多东西。可能是学到你吧。我会一直在想,反正我在你心里都是排最后的,为什么我还要为了你做这个,做那个,为你想这个,想那个。你都宁愿听朋友的话都不听我的。有问题时,我给你意见你都当耳边风,说道自己会多厉害解决,可是后来做不到就一直对我摆臭脸,说我罗嗦。啥意思啊!我不是你的出气筒啊! 还有你都一直当我很幼智,以为我没有你不行。你每天都在想如果没有陪我,我就会生气。其实我为什么会生气你都不懂,还自以为了不起的认为你是被需要的。其实每个女生都希望自己是被男朋友需要的,可是你都不懂。可能你太大男人了。改变不了。什么我都要听你的,什么你都是对的。我没有听你的时候你就发脾气。问你意见时你又说我自己决定就好。真矛盾。根本不知道你想怎样。我是有学历的,将来要出去见实面的,也要面子,不是那种没有梦想每天在家等嫁人的女生。我有自己的想法。为什么你偏偏就是不给我留面子。每天只会说女生就是麻烦,女生就是多事。拜托,尊敬女生一下行不行!现在男女平等!该死的男生,又自大,又自以为是,以为这个世界只有自己。每天在讨论女生有多不行。有一天没有女生要你的时候,看你怎样后悔不好好对她们! 没错我活该,为什么会跟着你。我多么希望从来不认识你。或许现在我还过着单身又无忧无虑的生活。咳。。。现在的一却就想这首歌了。。。

Sunday, May 15, 2011


原来活了二十二年,我是这么的失败。第一个缺点也是致命伤,不善以表达。很多年前就知道我有这个缺点。连老师都对我印象不好,从小学到中学都是。身边也没有什么好朋友。有也是不久就分开,我以试着用很多方式去改变自己,可是都没用。难怪男友一个一个都不要我。真是很对不起我父母,他们花了这么多钱让我读书,可是我却不会做人。真是失败!外面的世界是多恐怖,什么人都有。强者都会把弱者打败。而我就是弱者。书读的再好可是不会做人也没用。我真的不想活了! 活的很辛苦!干垂死了算了。去另一个世界比较好。爸爸妈妈对不起。我没让你们的愿望实显。是我辜负了你们。我知道我这样做很傻。可是我真的活的很累。我这么不会做人留在这个世界上也没用。还有很多人值的留在这个世界上的。希望我走后每人会记得我。实在是丢脸,这二十二年白活的。真是失败!再见