Tuesday, December 30, 2008


2008年快结束了,在这一年里我做了什么呢??我现在的人生啊。。。可以说是。。。很无聊吧。现在的生活真无聊。。身边的朋友一个又一个地离开。。好友们个个都过得很好,可是我呢。。总觉得我的生活没有了色彩。。每天过着无聊的生活。虽然现在是假期,可是还是要去training。回家又没事做。上网?看电视?无趣。。就算开学我也不好过。。一大堆功课,多到我喘不过气来。还有很多让我不想去那间学院上课了。。很后悔为何当初我放弃了matric...如果我选着那条路,我觉得现在的生活应该是多姿多彩吧。。咳。。为何我现在的人生就是这么无聊。。朋友?越来越少了。。以前的老同学好友,再见面感情都没有以前这么好了。。可是她们彼此看起来还很要好。。可是我呢??就好像跟她们很谈不来去。。也许是我跟她们读的课系不一样吧。。还是她们觉得我变很怪去,因为我的睡眠跟普通人不一样,想法也不一样。。我觉得我跟她们越来越疏远。。为什么念这课的人就是会变这么怪。。不懂当初为何会这么听老爸的话。。来这样折磨自己呢。。青春期是用来玩的,还有享受青春的不是吗? 为何我要这样对自己呢。。把自己搞得老很多倍似的。。。偶尔还是很想念以前中学的生活。。尤其是中5的时候,是我最没压力的一年。。可是现在的生活,每天就是这么压力,连假期都这么压力。。咳。。。好想抛开所有的烦恼啊。。好像独自一个人去游学,去看看外面的世界。。无忧无虑,自游自在。。可是我觉得这个梦想很难会实现吧。。。咳。。。。

Thursday, December 18, 2008

time plz stop 4 a moment...

juz feelin vry empty n din know wad im doin these days...lost hope in almost evthng...no hope..n i dont know wad im doin now..studies?? cant get bac 2 those days how i used 2 strive hard 4 wad i wanted..but now no..dont know since when i got these kind of sickness...getting more far from my frens n family..feel lost and empty..i rather be alone n nobody wud disturb me.n juz do wad i wan n wad i thnk..nobody thr 2 talk bad thngs behind, ruin ur reputation, backstabbers, those wad we call 小人..thrs 2 many i gt into these days..izit these kind of ppl wil get more of the benefits? getting advantage from some1 else n then juz step tht person under their feet?? n ppl juz get convinced by their cheating technique tht seems like they r da 1 who is worth believing.nvm tht.balancing myself so tht i wont get effected by these ppl..dont judge the book by its cover...this is true..2 my frens out thr..its up 2 u 2 believe it o not..its ur choice...so..time plz stop..i dont wan 2 move 4wrd anymore...its freakin me out.i juz feel like im btr 2 be out of this world!!!